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From the Solanum virus in World War Z to Trixie in The Crazies, books, films and TV shows have spent decades highlighting the, albeit fictional, threat of a zombie apocalypse. 

But such a threat may be more real than first thought. 

A researcher from Ohio has published a study that looks at the rise of fictional ‘zombie’ infections in a tongue-in cheek way to draw attention to the real-word threat of how diseases spread. 

She also uses it as a ‘wake-up’ call for the medical and community to fund research into how countries tackle outbreaks — using the recent Ebola crisis as an example. 

A researcher from Ohio has published a study that looks at the rise of fictional 'zombie' infections (Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead is pictured) in a tongue-in cheek way to draw attention to the real-word threat of how diseases spread

A researcher from Ohio has published a study that looks at the rise of fictional ‘zombie’ infections (Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead is pictured) in a tongue-in cheek way to draw attention to the real-word threat of how diseases spread

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In her study, ‘Zombie infections: epidemiology, treatment, and prevention’, Tara Smith, Associate Professor at Kent State University in Ohio studies the fictional spread of the Solanum virus, the Rage virus that featured in the 2002 film 28 Days Later and the Trixie virus in 1973 film, and 2010 remake, The Crazies. 

Her research is published in the .  

Non-viral zombie causes include a form of the Black Plague bacterium, Yersinia pestis, the cordyceps fungus, and a mutated strain of the prion infection, commonly known as ‘mad cow’ disease. 

She discovered that each of these viruses were typically spread by ‘bites.’

Symptoms of infection during a zombie outbreak tend to be fairly uniform, regardless of the nature of the pathogen, added Associate Professor Smith. 

The incubation period is highly variable, with development of symptoms ranging from seconds to hours or days.

In her study, 'Zombie infections: epidemiology, treatment, and prevention', Tara Smith, Associate Professor at Kent State University in Ohio studies the fictional spread of the Solanum virus, the Rage virus that featured in the 2002 film 28 Days Later and the Trixie virus in 2010 remake of The Crazies (still from film pictured)

In her study, ‘Zombie infections: epidemiology, treatment, and prevention’, Tara Smith, Associate Professor at Kent State University in Ohio studies the fictional spread of the Solanum virus, the Rage virus that featured in the 2002 film 28 Days Later and the Trixie virus in 2010 remake of The Crazies (still from film pictured)

Other symptoms may include a shambling gait, tendency to moan, loss of dexterity and prior personality traits, and the eventual rotting of flesh, she adds. 

In rare cases, she found that zombies may be highly intelligent and self-aware, and lacking in the typical bite-and-flesh-eating tendencies.

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The Zombie Survival Guide 2003 explained: ‘At this rate, attacks will only increase, culminating in one of two possibilities.

‘The first is that world governments will have to acknowledge, both privately and publicly, the existence of the living dead, creating special organisations to deal with the threat. 

‘In this scenario, zombies will become an accepted part of daily life — marginalized, easily contained, perhaps even vaccinated against. 

‘A second, more ominous scenario would result in an all-out war between the living and the dead.’

For the sake of humanity, ‘we must ensure that the latter scenario does not occur,’ added Smith, ‘and that we work together as a unified global community to respond quickly to any and all new zombie threats.’


Due to the rapid onset of zombie outbreaks and their ‘society-destroying characteristics’, prevention and treatment is a largely unexplored area of investigation, noted Smith.

She also pointed out that ‘equilibrium with the zombie infection is rarely achieved’ and believes the documented rise of multiple zombie pathogens ‘should be a wake-up call to the international community that we need additional funding and cooperation to address these looming apocalyptic disease threats.’

She uses these conclusion to appeal to the international community to do more to prevent disease outbreaks in the real world.

‘Several models of zombie infections have shown that in the event of a large scale outbreak humans face extermination, she explained.

‘Chances of survival start out slightly higher in sparsely populated areas, but they eventually become overwhelmed.

‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others have published details of the preparations that should be made in the case of a pending zombie outbreak.

‘Unfortunately most countries remain grossly unprepared for a potential disaster of this nature.’ 

Due to the rapid onset of zombie outbreaks and their society-destroying characteristics, prevention and treatment is a largely unexplored area of investigation, explained Associate Professor Smith. A still from the set of zombie film World War Z is pictured

Due to the rapid onset of zombie outbreaks and their society-destroying characteristics, prevention and treatment is a largely unexplored area of investigation, explained Associate Professor Smith. A still from the set of zombie film World War Z is pictured

Associate Professor Smith admitted she used zombies to 'bring attention to subjects that otherwise might not seem interesting', but explained that by studying how fictional outbreaks occur could help governments deal with the threat of real-life outbreaks, such as the Ebola epidemic (stock image of a health worker shown)

Associate Professor Smith admitted she used zombies to ‘bring attention to subjects that otherwise might not seem interesting’, but explained that by studying how fictional outbreaks occur could help governments deal with the threat of real-life outbreaks, such as the Ebola epidemic (stock image of a health worker shown)

In an interview with , Associate Professor Smith admitted: ‘We give talks around the country about scientific issues — tied into zombies.

‘It’s a way to bring attention to these subjects that otherwise might not seem interesting. In my case, it’s infectious disease. 

She specifically made reference to the way nations handled the widespread outbreak of Ebola and how it highlighted how ‘incredibly unprepared’ we are at handling epidemics of this kind. 

Plus, with the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains, Associate Professor ai không nên ăn yến sào said the issue should be considered more of a priority.

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