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There’s a new TV tech on the horizon, and it promises incredible picture quality and even more incredible sizes. You can even buy one right now, if you’ve got deep pockets. It’s called  and it combines the best features of the current TV technologies into something new… and huge. Using millions of tiny individually addressable , MicroLED promises to rival the picture quality of , but with better brightness and lower chance of

has shown MicroLED prototypes at for the last few years, ranging in size between 75 and 292 inches. At the virtual CES 2021 the company showed off a $156,000 110-inch model that could display four 55-inch HD images at the same time. Later this year it’ll release two additional models: 88 and 99 inches. has its own version of MicroLED, called Crystal LED, that’s currently only for the commercial market, but allows for massive wall-sized screens. At the complete other end of the size scale, the technology is to project images like your own personal heads-up display. MicroLED is on the cusp of being the next great display technology. Here’s why it could end up in your home soon.

<div class="shortcode video v2" data-video-playlist='["id":"cee4cea1-d07b-4da3-988d-6d2bb68293e2","title":"Samsung The Wall 292-inch MicroLED TV: Huge","description":"Unbelievably big, bright and beautiful, with a price to match.","slug":"samsung-the-wall-292-inch-microled-tv-huge","chapters":"data":[],"paging":"total":0,"limit":15,"offset":0,"datePublished":"2020-01-06 02:53:40","duration":215,"mpxRefId":"z_ukm2GWn_of1eYPKnfQwHWzw6K0uODE","ratingVChip":"TV-14","primaryTopic":"id":"1bf2fd92-c387-11e2-8208-0291187b029a","author":"id":"929eaaca-8176-11e2-9d12-0018fe8a00b0","firstName":"David","lastName":"Katzmaier","primaryCollection":"id":"2adf6930-fe69-4423-ab9c-9aae7f4f1fc2","title":"CNET First website

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Samsung The Wall 292-inch MicroLED TV: Huge


What’s MicroLED?

The first thing to understand is that MicroLED is a different technology from . Though they’re both new and similar-sounding, mini-LED is an evolution of current LCD TV technology. It uses more and smaller LEDs as part of the backlight, but an LCD panel is still used to create an image. 

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With MicroLED, on the other hand, the LEDs themselves directly create the image. The picture you watch is composed of individually-addressable LEDs, which makes it more like how OLED works. No more LCDs. 

You can buy mini-LED now for the same price as other technologies. MicroLED TVs are currently huge and expensive, but getting smaller and cheaper.

Here’s how it works. As the name suggests, MicroLED is made of millions of micro, well, LEDs. Tinier versions of what’s in your current tft lcd module with touch screen ( TV, or newer flashlights, light bulbs and what myriad other devices . This makes MicroLED seem simple. So why did it take so long just to make smaller LEDs and stick them in a TV?

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