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OSLO, July 22 (Reuters) — Norwegian aluminium-maker Norsk Hydro said on Friday it would propose an extra dividend and offer share buybacks as it reported upbeat quarterly profits in line with expectations.

Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose to 11.6 billion crowns ($1.16 billion) in April-June from 6.6 billion crowns a year earlier, while analysts in a company-provided poll had expected 11.6 billion crowns on average.

However, the current pattern of public and bank holidays is well established and while an additional bank holiday may benefit some communities and sectors, the cost to the economy of an additional bank holiday is considerable.’

Google, Microsoft, Meta and Amazon launched a public effort Monday to scrap the leap second, an occasional extra tick that keeps clocks in sync with the Earth’s actual rotation. US and French timekeeping authorities concur.

In the worst-case scenario, this rose to 972,382 extra admissions and 25,192 deaths, costing the NHS £5.2billion. It is most likely that, in the next 20 years, 207,597 more people than usual will be hospitalised, and 7,153 will die, costing £1.1billion.

To ease the problems with computer clocks that don’t like 61-second minutes, Google pioneered the idea of the «leap smear» that makes the leap second’s changes in many tiny steps over the course of a day.

The tech giants and two key agencies agree that it’s time to ditch the leap second. Those are the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and its French equivalent, the Bureau International de Poids et Mesures (BIPM).

‘They have already done us proud, but if they win it will be a truly historic achievement — one that should be marked with a proper day of celebration, where clubs can open and promote access for women and girls.’

The report suggests more flexibility for apprentices, national standards for occupation licensing, «catch-up» courses to help people brush up on skills and improve disability support programs for the unemployed with disabilities.

Researchers said that in the best-case scenario — where all drinkers return to their 2019 levels of drinking this year — there would still be an extra 42,677 hospital admissions and 1,830 deaths over 20 years due to alcohol.

In a separate study, the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) found that if drinking does not return to pre-pandemic levels, then by 2035 there will be 147,892 extra cases of nine alcohol-related diseases — such as liver cirrhosis and breast cancer — and 9,914 more premature deaths, costing the NHS £1.2billion. There are more than 200 health conditions linked to alcohol, including seven types of cancer.

He said: ‘There’s a particular bump in women’s drinking at the point where they’re most likely to have been doing homeschooling during the initial lockdown.’ He said this ‘stressful’ burden may have driven some to drink more.

Colin Angus, who led the University of Sheffield study, said: ‘The pandemic’s impact on our drinking behaviour is likely to cast a long shadow on our health and paint a worrying picture at a time when NHS services are already under huge pressure due to treatment backlogs.’

«We know from previous economic recessions that young people can suffer serious long-term negative impacts to their job prospects for up to a decade after the initial economic shock,» the foundation’s acting head Professor Kristy Muir said.

Ardern said Biosecurity New Zealand, the country’s agency to keep pests and diseases out of the country, is stopping any traveller from bringing personal consignments of meat products from Indonesia and requiring them to use footmats to wash their shoes at airports when they return.

The temporal tweak causes more problems — like internet outages — than benefits, they say. And dealing with leap seconds ultimately is futile, the group argues, since the Earth’s rotational speed hasn’t actually changed much historically.

Those classed as ‘increasing risk drinkers’ consume more than 14 units a week — the UK guidelines — but no more than 35 units per week for Knows kit women and 50 for men. Meanwhile, high-risk drinkers consume even more than this.

«We are predicting that if we just stick to the TAI without leap second observation, we should be good for at least 2,000 years,» research scientist Ahmad Byagowi of Facebook parent company Meta said via email. «Perhaps at that point we might need to consider a correction.*

WELLINGTON, July 25 (Reuters) — New Zealand on Monday urged travellers returning from Indonesia to take extra precautions and in some cases to stay away from farms for at least a week to prevent a local foot and mouth outbreak that could devastate the crucial livestock industry.

Since 1972, the world’s timekeeping authorities have added a leap second 27 times to the global clock known as the International Atomic Time (TAI). Instead of 23:59:59 changing to 0:0:0 at midnight, an extra 23:59:60 is tucked in. That causes a lot of indigestion for computers, which rely on a network of precise timekeeping servers to schedule events and to record the exact sequence of activities like adding data to a database.

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