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A change in your diet and exercise habits are the best way to achieve a healthy weight. Replace foods that expand your waistline with nutritious foods like fish.Char-Broil | ...logo-y | CJ Sorg | Flickr Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids which is healthy for your heart and has a satisfying taste. The body is not able to produce omega-3 acids. They help prevent blood clotting and help improve cholesterol ratios. Fish is an amazing supplement to any healthy diet because the low amount of saturated fat is a perfect protein substitute for fatty cuts of pork and beef. Shellfish, too, is low in saturated fat and not as high in cholesterol as many people believe. Learn to incorporate fish into your healthy lifestyle. The fish oils, called omega-3 fatty acids, are believed to have numerous health benefits. They can help prevent cancer, heart disease as well as treat arthritis, psoriasis help ease the pain of migraine headaches and assist in weight management. The fish that are fat are likely to have more omega-3s than leaner fish however, even «fatty» fish are less fat than chicken or lean beef. The cans of tuna, salmon or sardines as well as other fish, such as salmon, contain plenty of calcium. If you detect a «fishy» odor, don’t buy it. When you purchase whole fish, fillets of fish or steaks, the fish should feel firm and smooth to the feel. Scales should be clear and stainless steel gas grills — — shiny, not slimy. The eyes should be clean and bright. Steaks and fish fillets need to be well-hydrated. If they look dry or curled around the edges, they probably aren’t fresh. It’s best to cook fresh fish on the on the same day you purchase it. Fish can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours when it is placed in a sealed airtight container that is filled with frozen ice, and then placed in the form of a bowl. If you want to store it in the freezer, you should to keep it longer than one day. Fish that has been frozen and thawed will last longer when kept in a quick freezer. Larger fish must be cut into chunks either steaks or fillets to ensure a quick freeze. For fish that are lean freezers can last up to six months. Fish that are fat will have to be frozen for 3 months. It is important that shellfish like clams, oysters, lobsters crabs, crabs, crabs, as well as other crayfish, are still alive when you purchase them. It’s easy to spot live crabs and lobsters. Clams and oysters are difficult to identify. It is important to make sure that the shell is closed as you tap it. Safety questions have plagued both shellfish and fish, even those that are caused by man-made contaminants. Oysters and clams consumed raw, pose the highest risk of passing on diseases like Norwalk-like viruses. To avoid food-borne disease ensure that you cook them thoroughly. The shellfish that is partially cooked may be contaminated with harmful bacteria. Sometimes, mercury, pesticides or chemicals like PCB may make their way into fish. While fatty fish are filled with omega-3s than other species, they are also more susceptible to contamination by contaminants in the environment. Fish can be eaten from many sources. Open-ocean fish, farmed fish and freshwater fish are better than freshwater. They are less likely to harbor toxic chemicals. Eat smaller, young fish. Fish that are older contain more chemicals in their fatty tissue. Before you go fishing, make sure to check with your own state’s advice on which waters are unsafe for fishing. Try using the Department of Public Health or the Department of Environmental Conservation. If you fish the same spot often it is not a good idea to be a regular fisherman. Avoid swordfish and albacore. They can be contaminated by mercury. For the uninitiated it can be difficult to cook. The number one rule for cooking fish is to ensure the moisture of the fish. This means that you should avoid any direct heat sources, especially when cooking low-fat varieties of fish; you’ll get the best results if employ moist heat methods like poaching steaming, baking, or poaching alongside vegetables or a sauce. Dry-heat cooking methods such as broiling, baking, or grilling work well with fatter fish. Fish cooks fast, so it’s not difficult to cook it too long. Fish is ready when the flesh begins to flake, and is transparent. If the fish breaks up on contact, it is too much. The general rule of thumb to bake fish is to cook it for 8 to 10 minutes for each inch of thickness, which is measured at the thickest part of the fish. Cooking fish for grilling, broiling, or pan-frying requires between 4 and 5 minutes per inch. Choose lean fish for fish soups, stews and Chowders. A broth that is rich will taste more bland if it’s composed of oily fish. The juices of citrus enhance the natural taste of fish. Some favorite fish seasonings are basil, tarragon, dill, paprika, parsley, and Thyme. In order to achieve long-term weight loss, it’s crucial to discover new methods to eat that you like. You can lose weight easily when you enjoy healthy foods, like fish, and make delicious, yet low-fat fish recipes.

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