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Sunni lawmakers told Reuters earlier this month more than 40 people had been killed and at least nine mosques fire bombed in Diyala, the province where Muqdadiya is located.

Addressing a news conference on Sunday, Jabouri reported «retaliatory operations targeting journalists and innocent people and places of worship,» in Muqdadiya, without giving further details.


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Shi’ite militiamen deployed this month in Muqdadiya, 80 km (50 miles) northeast of Baghdad, after two blasts killed 23 people near a coffee shop where they often meet.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks which it said had targeted Shi’ites.

The militia fighters were killed when Islamic State militants commandeered an armoured Humvee, rigged it with explosives and drove it into a school where the fighters were based near Dijla district, 20 km (15 miles) south of the city of Samarra.


BAGHDAD, Feb 29 (Reuters) — At least 14 people were killed when a bomber detonated his explosive vest at a Shi’ite Muslim funeral hall in the eastern province of Diyala, security and medical sources said on Monday.

«These killings are hindering Abadi’s efforts to rebuild trust with the Sunnis which is essential to recover territory under ISIS control,» said Mona Alami, a Beirut-based analyst with the Atlantic Council think tank, using an acronym for Islamic State.

Shi’ite militias were crucial in keeping Islamic State from overrunning Baghdad and southern Shi’ite shrines during their lightning advance across the Syrian border in 2014, and have supported Iraqi forces pushing back the militants, including from parts of Diyala.

At least 40 people were killed earlier this month and nine Sunni mosques firebombed in the eastern Iraqi town of Muqdadiya in apparent retaliation for two blasts there targeting Shi’ite militia fighters, which left 23 people dead.

Radical Sunni Islamic State fighters, who control much of north and west Iraq, are battling the army, Kurdish peshmerga forces and Shi’ite militias allied to the Shi’ite-led government in Baghdad, which is also supported by U.S.-led air power.

Brigadier Qasim al-Anbuki, the local head of police intelligence, was leading a force to check tips about a suspected car bomb parked on a highway linking Baghdad to Baquba.

Accounts by five witnesses interviewed separately by Reuters provide a picture of alleged executions in the eastern village of Barwanah on Monday, which residents and provincial officials say left at least 72 unarmed Iraqis dead.

Iraq’s Interior Ministry has not published a toll for Sunni casualties in Muqdadiya and neighbouring villages.

The ministry’s spokesman was not available to provide details on the latest violence.

New York-based HRW said members of the Badr Organisation and Asaib Ahl al-Haq, leading groups in the government-run Popular Mobilization Forces fighting Islamic State, were responsible for retaliatory attacks it described as «serious violations of international humanitarian law».


BAGHDAD, Dec 6 (Reuters) — Islamic State fighters kidnapped and killed 16 members of an Iraqi tribe which has fought the Sunni militant group in the western province of Anbar, a tribal leader and a hospital source said on Saturday.

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