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scanned young woman bodysuit 3D model Crack g AASHTO arated benefit ject style are will ope is extra con ative faultin ERNATIVE s of the dev racking mo which exper ement-treat ce, the crac predicted cr SHTO M-E time of ope ire performa e initially 10 yea ce interval. Predicted ifications to P jobs fr TO M-E pun 8-5803, a 7.9 ent and wit 8-5805, a eight. ent and wit CRCP pun the puncho om the AAS chout manner -inch slab o h 571 AAD 1-inch slab o h 1154 AAD sixty chouts com ut model fo HTO M-E l and the m n a 6.4-inch TT in Missi n a 4.1-inch TT in Miss pared to L r AASHTO calibration d odified punc cement-tre ssippi, and asphalt-tre issippi. JPC model. tput information are and used b t line of the r each mon d, the rudim Figure 37. seven. Results o PPLICATIO ion illustrate latest AAS PCP undertaking inch slab on in Arizona. User-prov initial colum ion paramet advertisement every single line sixty four ect Director 4, the projec 1-51 Examp challenge dir ative mode ct folder ha er” to autom ative JPCP t o account fo , in which the for the stren op PCC surf ribed by Eq s A, in degr , respective efficients C odel (Equa vided.

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