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There are many canine-friendly ways that may be able to soothe your dog’s coughing and throat irritation. It is a local anesthetic used to numb the throat. If your pet does get into your medication, or if you are concerned about unusual signs they’re showing, don’t hesitate to contact your vet, local animal emergency hospital, or ASPCA. And we are doing that and certainly on a product like Excedrin Migraine, we’ve seen incremental demand for that product, and we continue to ramp up for that demand. Most cold medications containing a «D,» like Mucinex-D, contain pseudoephedrine. It may seem convenient to take a baggie with several Advil, some Tylenol, vitamins, and a few cold tablets in your purse; but think of the potential complications if your dog ate the entire mix! If your dog has swallowed a few cough drops without any wrapping paper or harmful ingredients, the only other potential problem to watch out for is internal obstruction. We are focusing on a few of the products and are ramping up production to meet that demand. If you are in the Malvern, Pennsylvania, area, contact VRC in the event of cold and flu medication poisoning in your dog or cat.

If your cold and flu medication has «PE» on the package, it likely contains phenylephrine. Caution needs to be taken with phenylephrine around dogs as they generally do not handle decongestants well, even in small amounts. Phenylephrine can cause similar symptoms as pseudoephedrine, but it is considered a bit less dangerous. Generally, it just causes gastrointestinal upset, but in large doses, it can be metabolized into compounds that can cause methemoglobinemia. Cough drops can be problematic for two reasons. Pet owners also don’t tend to think of eye drops as being a dangerous substance for pets. If your dog is suffering from acetaminophen poisoning, a medication called N-acetylcysteine (NAC) will be used to limit the formation of the toxic substance that binds and damages liver and red blood cells. This may be a source of the coughing, as the collar can apply pressure to the trachea, making your dog more susceptible to breathing difficulties.

Cases of multi-drug poisonings are not unheard of, and it can be difficult to ascertain just how much of what was eaten if medications are mixed together and not labeled. Many human medications are used to treat pets. Pets who ingest medication containing dextromethorphan commonly exhibit symptoms including vomiting, lethargy, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, and seizures. While pseudoephedrine causes symptoms like restlessness, agitation, increased heart rate, muscle tremors, increased blood pressure, and seizures, it can lead to death if a large amount is ingested. When mistakenly consumed by dogs and felines, decongestants can be fatal as they can lead to throwing up, dilated students, severe blood pressure adjustments (high blood pressure), abnormal heart rhythms and rates, tremors, and also seizures. If your pet has ingested any dangerous medication, our emergency team can help. CBD in dogs will support their joints, improve brain function, help with digestion, and keep your pet calm. First, cough drops can be a choking hazard for dogs and cats. Xylitol is advil bad for dogs an extremely toxic artificial sweetener that is becoming more and more common in cough drops. However, when ingested, eye drops can lead to bradycardia, hypotension, and depression. Poisoning cases can be scary but treatment is available and the sooner it is started, the better outcome for your pet.

Contact your veterinarian or ASPCA if needed to assess the risk to your pet. If one of these centers advises for emergency medical care, contact an emergency veterinarian right away. Contact your veterinarian or a poison control hotline such as the ASPCA to see if vomiting will need to be induced using 3% hydrogen peroxide. Typically, vomiting is only treated when it is severe. The phlegmy cough may be indicative of an upper airway obstruction or infection. Human cough and cold medicines can be toxic to dogs, and some of them contain dextromethorphan. We both have a cold. For every one who said «thankfully I had the vaccine, so my symptoms were mild,» there was another who said, «I have natural immunity which is so much better.» For every friend who said «hope you get well soon», there was a «you’ll be fine, my sister/friend/husband/co-worker tested positive and didn’t feel a thing.» It was nice to know I wasn’t alone in this and it sure is interesting to hear other’s experiences. Stay well and we hope you feel better as spring starts to arrive!

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