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Potential customers are more likely to click on that first website, the one with the number one SE ranking first.The next few rankings will also get a lot of viewing time because they are so high up on the list. What you want to do is to improve SE ranking so you can be higher on that list.

Be careful not to overdo the use of key phrases, however. Search engines are continually changing their algorithms, or programs by which they assess and rank web pages, so it is difficult to give an exact percentage of use that is best. Additionally, one search engine may give your website a good rank for the way you have used keywords, while another may give it «demerits» for the same usage. This leads us to item #6.

No, reality bites, there are now millions of websites that have been optimized just like yours and they all think they will be number 1 pretty soon because of it. Many of them think their designers cheated them, and maybe some of them did. I mean come on! If your web designer guaranteed you top rankings because they placed keywords on your pages meta tags then they absolutely lied to you. The fact is, I have only witnessed as good as second page rankings even in smaller niche products for on-page search engine optimization efforts.

You have two choices for creating popular backlinks. You can contact popular site owners directly and ask them to post your links or you can employ backlinking software.

Different kinds of search engine ranking software focus on different things and you have to be clever while selecting one for yourself. There are many SEO tools available that will give the least importance to factors like social bookmarking, link building, and spinning articles.

search engine news I suggest you avoid using long strings of keywords…6 words or less is ideal. Make sure identical words are not next to each other and avoid repeating keywords more than once.

Link Building. Charity begins at home. Make sure you have an internal linking strategy. Link back from internal content pages to your home page or to other internal content pages. In Front Page, make sure to take advantage of the Screen Tip function (in the top right hand corner of the hyperlink popup box). Put in the keyword relevant to that hyperlink. Link building is a science to a certain degree, but you can help out your SEO Expert by going old school. Ask your suppliers, customers and friends who have websites to link to your site — then mix and match when those sites are linking to your site. Don’t have every link go straight to your home page.

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