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Denis Leary and Ray Romano both appeared in the Ice Age franchise (2002-present)
It tells the story of three very different families competing to buy the same 1920s Spanish-style villa that they believe will solve all their problems.
It also didn’t seem to care about any of the characters, despite some of the things they were dealing with
It was a slow burn, but my review isn’t based solely on that, but overall it’s neither a good nor a bad show.
The show was clichéd & there were no misunderstood parts, due to plot holes that left you feeling unsatisfied
At times it felt like it was a comedy (or a dry comedy) about selling houses, and then it turned into something else.
a twist during, the last few episodes were actually good
The casting was okay, but maybe it was the script or the director, who didn’t bring a stronger story to the screen in places.