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Our diets may have the potential to help prevent .
Healthista’s nutrition director Rick Hay, explains what foods are good for a cancer awareness diet and their health-boosting properties.
Prior studies have linked a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle to an increased risk of developing cancer, as well as other chronic health conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
In fact, the World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about 20 percent of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to poor nutrition, body fatness, physical inactivity, as well as excess consumption.
Rick Hay has given us some food options to add to our diets that might be able to keep cancer at bay or work together with other cancer treatments to fight the disease.
Eating more vegetables can decrease a person’s chance of developing certain cancers
1.Eat a vegetable rich diet
‘It’s the green, red, orange, yellow and purple brightly colored foods that can assist the body with its natural defenses,’ Hay said.
‘Essentially, the more bright stains that foods leave on your hands when you are prepping them the better.’
These brightly colored foods help to boost the body’s immune system naturally, which in turn might be able to help fight off the mutant cells of cancer.
When cancer strikes, it’s a single cell’s mutation that accelerates in division within the body and kills other healthy cells.
This mutated cell division begins to form into lumps or masses in the body that can eventually become tumors.
According to Hay and studies that we’ve found, changing simple aspects of your diet can potentially decrease your chances of getting certain cancers.
‘One of the easiest things you can do in order to start changing your diet is to include more vegan and vegetarian meals,’ said Hay.
These types of diets contain meal options that are generally higher in fiber and nutrients, which will give the body a consistent and denser amount of the vitamins and minerals it needs.
Vegetable rich diets will also benefit you because they are rich is digestive enzymes that jump start your stomach’s digestive process, as well as keeping the gut healthy with probiotics.
‘Beta carotene, selenium, vitamin A, C and E can protect against chronic disease,’ Hay explained.
According to the Institute of Medicine US Panel on Dietary Antioxidants and Related Compounds, these elements (excluding vitamin A, as it’s not mentioned in the report) are defined as ‘dietary antioxidants’ that are also ‘multi functional.’
Specifically with cancer, ‘evidence indicates that consuming diets rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with both a decrease in oxidative damage to DNA and a lower risk of a number of common cancers.’
Being overweight or obese is also a clear risk factor of cancer.
According to Cancer Research UK, ‘more than one in 20 cancer cases in the UK are linked to being overweight or obese.’
It also mentions that it’s the biggest cause of cancer other than smoking.Diets that consist of overly processed foods that are also high in sugars should be avoided, especially those of processed meat suggested Hay.
If one really wants to make the most of a healthier changed diet, Hay argues that stress, smoking and ‘other negative lifestyle choices’ should be addressed.
He also mentions to never underestimate the benefits of exercise when adding just a few simple tweaks to your diet.
2.Eat more leafy green and cruciferous vegetables
Leafy greens vegetables, like spinach, contain antioxidants that can boost the immune system
‘Kale, spinach, watercress and other leafy greens are rich in immune boosting nutrients like vitamin C and beta-carotene,’ said Hay.
‘Cruciferous vegetables that include broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage are natural sources of the glucosinolates and isothiocyanates.’
These compounds act as protective antioxidants and an anti-inflammatory elements proven to eliminate chemicals and toxins within the body and ‘inhibit the development of chemically-induced cancers of the lung, liver, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and breast,’ reports the Pauling Institute of Oregon State University.
‘These greens are also high in fiber to help with colon and gut and cardiovascular health — important as the incidence of colon cancer is on the increase,’ says Hay.Cruciferous vegetables help the body’s natural detoxing and promotes a healthy bowel system.
‘They are also rich in glutathione which is a potent free radical scavenger. The antioxidant king which is glutathione may also offer protection to DNA structure.’
This is important because certain types of cancer cells limit cell growth in the body by limiting DNA repairs that should happen almost automatically when a string of DNA is damaged.
According to Cancer Research UK, Đông trùng hạ thảo hải phòng this has been identified in bowel cancer where damaged DNA repair genes have not been repaired due to malfunctioning repair proteins.
So, adding an emphasis on cruciferous vegetables to your diet may help protect you from bowel cancer by protecting your DNA repair genes.
Unfortunately, the study of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in cruciferous vegetables and their effects on the human body have been somewhat limited to animal studies, and have shown to have varying evidence in controlled environments of human subjects.
But according to the Pauling Institute, observational studies on humans have shown some evidence that increased intakes of cruciferous vegetables can help.
3.Onions and garlic can detox the body
Onions and garlic are also both rich in glutathione, which naturally detoxes the body.
‘Garlic helps regulate blood sugar levels with low insulin levels being desirable to reduce cancer risk,’ Hay said.’They both will also assist if metabolic syndrome is a problem and contain diallyl disulfide, which may help to protect against certain cancers.’
The National Cancer Institute reports that data from seven population studies have shown ‘that the higher the amount of raw and cooked garlic consumed, the lower the risk of stomach and colorectal cancer,’ as well as intestinal cancer.
It goes on to explain that garlic has the ‘ability to block the formation of cancer-causing substances, enhance DNA repair or induce cell death.’
The National Cancer Institute actually recognizes garlic as one of many vegetables that can potentially fight off cancer.
As for onions, a study reported by Science Daily says that ‘Ontario-grown red onions are the most effective at killing colon and breast cancer cells compared to other types of onions.’
They have higher amounts of quercetin and anthocyanin than those grown outside of Canada, which creates an unfavorable environment for cancer cells and keeps them from communicating to other cells in the body.This keeps the cancer cells from growing and duplicating.
4. Orange or yellow colored fruits and vegetables protects the immune system
‘The brightly colored pigments found in orange and yellow plant foods are packed full of the super antioxidants carotenoids like alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene.All of which have properties that may protect the immune system,’ said Hay.
Carrots contain falcarinol that works as a natural pesticide in the body.
A study reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2009, proved that ‘falcarindiol (falcorinol) added to normal and cancer cells showed a synergistic response for the inhibition of cell growth.’
In a sense, the carrots can fight against existing cancer cells to potentially keep them from growing and duplicating.
‘Together with carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin and citrus fruits should be liberally included in recipes,’ Hay suggested.
5.Red colored fruits and vegetables reduce cell division in prostate cancer
Tomatoes are especially important when it comes to the fight against prostate cancer.
They contain the antioxidant lycopene.This is what creates the pigment red color of tomatoes, but also can be found in apricots, guavas and watermelon.
‘Lycopene is broken down into a number of metabolites that are thought to have various biological effects, including antioxidant capabilities,’ reports the National Cancer Institute.
Red-colored fruits like tomatoes contain lycopene which can reduce cell division in prostate cancer
Similar to that of the cruciferous vegetables.Lycopene can help to reduce cell division in prostate cancer.
Animal studies on mice have also suggested that lycopene can delay the development or recurrence of skin, breast, lung, and liver cancer. However, human based trials haven’t shown a consistency in results.Therefore, these foods are merely a suggestion and requires more evidence to make it a proven cancer fighting food.
Hay suggested tomato paste together with olive oil work well when adding more lycopene to diet.
On to red fruits, ‘berries contain gallic acid to boost natural immune function and are rich in protective proanthocyanidins, as well as being high in vitamin A and vitamin C,’ said Hay.
‘They also have quercetin, zeaxanthin, lycopene and lutein as well as many other phytonutrients that can help the body fight off pathogens.They are a true superfood in their own right.’
These foods will benefit your overall health and keep the immune system ready to fight viruses or bacteria.
According to the study Protective Role of Dietary Berries in Cancer, consuming whole natural berries will also help with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection in the body.
It reports that berries can delay the development or recurrence of cancer ‘primarily of the GI tract as well as breast and to a lesser degree of liver, prostate, pancreas and lung.’
Hay suggested a beetroot and berry juice or beetroot extract to provide the immune system a boost of antioxidants, especially good for when the system is compromised.