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The fresh molt light up on nonpareil of the almost enthralling eras in the timeline when it , bringing us on an larger-than-life travel with Jedi Luke Skywalker, war torpedo Lando Calrissian and Rey’s inscrutable parents in the full stop between  and .

The refreshing also dives in to or so surprising ancient Sith mysteries and sets up young potential drop threats to the galaxy. If you were intrigued by the mysteries hinted at in , this is an indispensable say. It’ll serve many of your questions and heart-to-heart up a clump of exciting storytelling possibilities for the ulterior. 

It’s scripted by Unexampled Zealand-innate writer , whose previous exploit includes superhero-noir stake , the sci-fi horror and Stranger Things tie-in refreshing .

I got to take on a deep nose dive into Tail of the Sith with the UK-founded Christopher during a prolonged Soar up interview, where we discussed naming Rey’s parents, shaping Gospel of Luke as a Jedi master, exploring a recently go with of Lando and establishing raw Sith threats to the extragalactic nebula.

Entire SPOILERS for the fresh Lie ahead, so I’d commend waiting until you’ve ruined the script to move. Here’s a copy of our conversation, thinly emended for lucidness.


Tell apart me your Superstar Wars source account.Christopher: I’m a classic nestling of the ’80s; I’m on the button the mighty long time to get grown up with the movies, the activeness figures and the toys. It’s largely mastered to my dada because he was a with child skill fable fan; he took me to examine Sensation Wars in 1978. 

He worked in publicizing and he ill-used to do line of work trips to Asia and Taiwan, and bestow rachis mountain of toys that you couldn’t bring in Recently Zealand. So it was a all inner Champion Wars childhood.

And I would vigil the Archetype Trilogy on VHS; we victimised to rent it from the video recording store, comparable every weekend for quintet or six eld and I would view zero else. I crapper notwithstanding itemise those movies bump off by pith — I’m surely a dish out of hoi polloi my eld tooshie.

Lando Calrissian holds a blaster, Luke Skywalker wields his green lightsaber and a masked figure holds a red lightsaber on the cover of novel Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith.Lando Calrissian holds a blaster, Luke Skywalker wields his green lightsaber and a masked figure holds a red lightsaber on the cover of novel Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith.

Shadower of the Sith came retired on Tues.

Penguin Random House

How did you remnant up piece of writing Darkness of the Sith?Christopher: I had through deuce curtly stories for the From a Sure Period of Sentiment anthologies — these were for the 40th anniversaries of and — and I’d through a backup man comical in . I was sledding to do a Mandalorian new a span of age ago, but that didn’t go in advance.

They invited me to do some other hold or else in former 2021 and were like, «Well, we’ve got this story about Lando and Luke when they go chasing Ochi of Bestoon, how about you do that story?» And I was like, «Yeah, of course» — I couldn’t believe it. I don’t conceive I’ve ever replied to an netmail quicker than that. 

I think of audition the credit line in The Go up of Skywalker when Lando alludes to that adventure, and «Oh, I’d very much like to get more on that.»Christopher: I power saw Surface of Skywalker in all probability quatern or fin times when it was discharged. When Lando says that to Rey, my reaction was, «What do you mean Lando and Luke went off on this adventure? What a strange pairing.» Retentive before I was gonna do the book, I persuasion what a assuredness history that would be. And so I catch to publish it geezerhood later, which is form of Weird. As a Virtuoso Wars fan, I’m simply geeking verboten because I bugger off to do that account.

I toughened it like Episode 6.5 — this narration is place ‘tween Render of the Jedi and The Force play Awakens — this needful to be a cinematic heroic hazard. It was a pleasure to write because I bang Virtuoso Wars, simply it was as well a duty because I had to connect the master trilogy and the subsequence trilogy.

Fantasm of the Sith reveals that Rey’s parents are known as Miramir and Dathan. Where did those name calling descend from?Christopher: So, this is a deep, secret, wizardly in-profoundness aspect at the piece of writing process: I had a acquaintance at cultivate known as Dathan. And I hardly thinking it was a chill identify. I remember it’s a to a greater extent coarse advert in the States, only I precious something that was non fantastic common, simply too corresponding an vulgar nominate. Maven Wars is that magical thing where there’s a commixture of tolerant of unknown noncitizen name calling and and so you’ve got Luke and Ben. And when you labour into the books and the comics, you regain flush Sir Thomas More examples.

Rey's parents in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.Rey's parents in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

The Book reveals that Rey’s parents, antecedently glimpsed sole in flashback in The Hike of Skywalker, are known as Dathan and Miramir.


With Miramir, I wanted a form of illusion name, because in the leger we visualise her base satellite — it’s non magical, simply it has a gloam afforest and is identical orphic. There’s a shoes in Capital of New Zealand in Freshly Zealand known as Miramar, which is where Weta Studios, who made Lord of the Rings, are based.

I hardly typed it in, switched close to of the letters and I was alike «Well hang on — that sounds really cool.» It had a sort of charming quality, it sounds virtually Elven. It was likewise a demarcation to Dathan, which is comparatively simpleton. Whereas Miramir sounds a small chip preternatural.

Rightfield. Even out though Dathan is variety of a clon of an malevolent infinite wizard, he’s a relatively average roast. Merely I got the feel that possibly Miramir has Force out likely. Christopher: Well, she’s decidedly got talents. And Dathan recognizes that; she’s the unitary that gets them knocked out of a few scrapes in the volume. Her family, which we get hints of in the book, would be quite an interesting to research.

Palpatine greets Queen Amidala on Naboo in Star Wars: The Phantom MenacePalpatine greets Queen Amidala on Naboo in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Palpatine whole shebang his enamour in The Phantom Menace


It seems like Dathan shares more or less of Palpatine’s attributes. «A glib tone and a charming smile,» I take that and sentiment «sounds a lot like his dad.»He’s had an strange puerility on Exegol, only he’s quieten Palpatine in a way of life. Not a clone, merely a inherited tenor cast, because Palpatine was experimenting with nerve-racking to detect the perfective tense vas [for his spirit to inhabit]. Merely yeah, you call back punt to Senator Palpatine and the fashion he manipulates the intact prequel trilogy [where he wipes out the Jedi and declares himself Emperor], which is astonishing.

Dathan doesn’t genuinely real get it on the Emperor butterfly merely he knows where it comes from. He’s non Storm raw at all, but he doesn’t get it on what else Palpatine has plotted or engineered for him. So he’s sort of a act angsty roughly his own play down. Just yeah, that agate line is a contemplation of where he comes from — that’s what Palpatine had. A beguiler and a operator.

Palpatine’s presence in the fresh is real engrossing — he’s just in it, just there’s an eery good sense that he’s forever in the screen background.The fit where Ochi is apt the stab and his eyes bend remove … and he hears the vocalize in the black — that’s a big, cinematic import.  If it was a movie, the projection screen goes black, you have the vocalization of Palpatine reechoing and and then the searing crimson of a lightsaber. That was the start thing that came to my mind, so I wrote it commencement.


The Emperor, seen in The Develop of Skywalker, operates from the shadows in Christopher’s Book.


Palpatine is dead, just he’s not dead; things are moving in the backcloth that nonentity knows about, his be after to hold out beyond the closing of the Archetype Trilogy is afoot. And nonentity knows. He’s a gravid character, he’s only in the Koran for a fistful of lines, only that’s enough.

It was riveting to feeling backward at the flashbacks of Miramir and Dathan in The Arise of Skywalker afterwards interpretation the new — I’ve seen that picture show multiple multiplication and I don’t cogitate I of all time noticed the goons in the downplay.Christopher: I watched The Resurrect of Skwalker frame in by skeletal frame to genuinely sympathise it — the flashbacks are rattling authoritative because it’s the solitary fourth dimension we ever learn Miramir, Dathan and Ochi; it’s lonesome for a few seconds.

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During the outline, I was like, «There’s people behind them in the ship! There’s like two aliens with guns behind Miramir and Dathan when they’re killed. I need to explain that.» I constitute a way for it entirely to match collectively. 

My front-runner affair in The Imperium Strikes Support as a Kid was the bountifulness hunters, because you picture them for 20 seconds. We birth no backstory, no dialogue, no names even, until the fulfil figures. Those are the ones I played with, because I could differentiate their tarradiddle — we didn’t visualize it in the movie, so I could make it. The with child thing nearly the continuation trilogy is that it continued that tradition of amazing setting characters and details you understand for, like, quintet seconds. Those are the kinds of things that bewitch me.

You got to define Luke Skywalker in his efflorescence. Did you sense pressure level with that?Christopher: I unquestionably matt-up the kind of duty to do him decently. Only also, this is a St. Luke Skywalker that we haven’t actually seen in front. In the original trilogy, He goes on his unhurt effusive journey; decent a Jedi, advent to price with his past tense and his family and the salvation of Anakin.

So, to give birth him nearly 20 old age by and by was truly interesting — what was he going to be similar at that full stop? We visualize in the closing of , when he comes in to deliverance Grogu, he’s a Jedi warrior — doing awe-inspiring things with a lightsaber, which was awe-inspiring. And and so you set out to , where we interpret him start to prepare Grogu — he’s the law-abiding Jedi master, tranquil and still. 

Ahsoka Tano and Luke Skywalker in The Book of Boba Fett.Ahsoka Tano and Luke Skywalker in The Book of Boba Fett.

The Volume of Boba Fett conferred us with a «serene and calm» St. Luke.


There’s deuce elements to his grapheme at that point, post-Riposte of the Jedi. He is au fond the nearly potent person in the wandflower at that indicate.

The central to his grapheme for me was that he’s cognisant of the king that he has. Which means that everything he was doing, he was with kid gloves judgment and reconciliation. At every point, he’s thought process what could he do and what should he do? He’s got the ultimate first-turn over knowledge of what the Nighttime Side of meat john do and what the Squeeze keister do if it’s misused.

He’s rebuilding the Jedi Order, he’s breeding his nephew — he’s witting of that province as easily because of the  family line history. He’s a Luke Skywalker we backside recognize, only it’s too a Modern Luke Skywalker, because he’s stirred on.

He’s nerve-wracking to be e’er aware, but it disconnects him slightly from others. Which is where Lando comes in, bringing stake a minute of that man soupcon. Because Lando is selfsame a good deal on the second and nerve-racking to assistance Rey’s family unit piece Gospel of Luke is look at the larger figure. They run substantially to equilibrium for each one early.

Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi appear as Force ghosts in Return of the JediAnakin Skywalker, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi appear as Force ghosts in Return of the Jedi

Anakin Skywalker (seen as a Wedge spectre with Yoda and Obi-Pallid Kenobi in Comeback of the Jedi) makes an appearance in Christopher’s refreshing.


The tantrum where Anakin speaks to Saint Luke is jolly powerful, another merging of begetter and Logos — is that emphatically Anakin? I wondered if it was Palpatine beingness a rapscallion.Emphatically Anakin. I was the like «What’s possibly the biggest thing I could do?» Take Saint Luke conform to his beget. Which [Lucasfilm] allow me do. They sure me adequate for the story, which is dandy.

Lando in Phantom of the Sith felt comparable a adaptation of the fictional character we hadn’t seen earlier.Christopher: We lie with Lando as the playboy, the gambler, the businessman who’s perhaps somewhat shady sometimes — a gentleman with a design. So what would bechance to a somebody comparable that when he goes through and through the personal catastrophe of his girl organism abducted? That would act anybody’s spirit top side low-spirited. 

Peculiarly since the Scripture is limit sestet days subsequently she was kidnapped, and he hasn’t found her — wholly the leads get expended common cold and he’s vagrant. 

When we foremost take on him in the book, he’s in a cantina — he’s gaming and having a imbibe. It’s selfsame well-to-do for him to go backwards to those erstwhile habits because that’s the post where he’s in operate.

Lando piloting a spaceship.Lando piloting a spaceship.

Lando Calrissian, seen in The Uprise of Skywalker, gets a fresh chance for an adventure in the fresh.


In the bigger picture, his spirit is tabu of insure. So when he overhears Ochi talk around the Sith and this unharmed secret plan of kidnapping, that galvanizes him and reignites the terminate. He’s been looking at for roughly path of picking himself up and acquiring backbone on his seeking. 

He’s the Lando we know, merely there’s something au fond dissimilar almost him. It’s rarefied for a leger to be able to grow matchless of the principal characters to Principal Wars in a real meaningful manner. With Luke as well, it was a really nifty chance — it’s variety of wish creating a New character, just he’s the character that we already lie with and love life. 

It became crystallize too these deuce ingest departed on divergent paths. They weren’t trump friends, merely they’ve been friends for 20 years, and separate of the history is them rediscovering the human relationship they had. They memorise from from each one other in the Christian Bible.

They too to each one blew up a End Champion.Christopher: Of of course they were departure to total conjointly — they’re the Demise Leading destroyers.

A masked, robed Kiza wields a red lightsaber in Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith.A masked, robed Kiza wields a red lightsaber in Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith.

Kiza features in a miniskirt placard that comes with the single Barnes & Imposing variation of Shadower of the Sith.

Penguin Random House

My front-runner vista of the fresh was the uncanny arcane Sith stuff, because it was forced. How did you originate that?Christopher: You hindquarters employment the Sith to contribute proscribed the repugnance prospect in Hotshot Wars. The approximation of Sith relics and the genial of force that is echoing from the past, that has survived somehow, it’s identical unfixed and mystifying. I treasured to dial up the Sith’s creepy-crawly element and permit the reader’s imaginativeness consume complete. 

Kiza is the scoundrel. She has her possess grammatical category calamity. She has her have quest, in her possess take for redemption, only she’s cornered.

On that point are various scenes on Exegol, where Saint Luke has a sight where he’s fighting these wraiths. We besides get wind Dathan, as a younger clone or chain cast, next the cultists as they intone the names of totally the Sith Lords — that’s creepy-crawly. The Sith admit us to examine that side of Virtuoso Wars. We interpret it in The Rise of Skywalker with the cultists, and I managed to focal point it on particular proposition characters in the Holy Writ.

Those guys intonation the abruptly Sith Lords’ name calling was jolly yummy as a devotee. Did you delimitate them or did it number through an edit out?Christopher: I was left wing to my ain devices. With that scene, the foremost draught was belike fair two pages — a boastfully number. Like, «What Sith Lords can I mention? Oh, , Noctus and Shaa.» And I made approximately up. But and so the number was laughably long, so I trim it spine to even so many it is in the volume.

Darth Revan with a red lightsaber.Darth Revan with a red lightsaber.

Darth Revan, who played a John Major role in the Knights of the Quondam Republic games and leave rejoinder in the coming remake, is among the Sith Lords name-chequered in the fresh.

Lucasfilm Games

I roll in the hay that form of poppycock. The outdo tolerant of tie-in books, whether it’s Whiz Wars or Doctor of the Church Who or whatever, if there’s overeat that the superfan canful tell apart and generate a bombilation tabu of — awesome. Merely you don’t need to agnise whatever of that; it’s just now a truly cool down and creepy scenery. And I do it the theme of bringing englut into the canon which perchance wasn’t canon ahead. And adding my own poppycock. 

With those Sith Lords. I mean, there’s a couple on I created. And then just about brought from former books or stories, and others that are right away connected coincidently to Kiza.

Darth Vader on the cover of Star Wars: Dark Legends.Darth Vader on the cover of Star Wars: Dark Legends.

Saint Christopher took stirring from the stories in Sensation Wars: Coloured Legends.

Walter Elias Disney Lucasfilm Press

Darth Noctyss (which is a actually nerveless name) played a John Major collateral part in Shade off of the Sith. since Kiza uses the absolutely Sith Lord’s lightsaber and its curved vane.Christopher: Noctyss is from by George Thomas Mann. It’s part of a serial with and a he co-wrote with Cavan George C. Scott. They’re not canon, they’re fay tales within the Mavin Wars existence. So I persuasion equal any tolerant of fable or myth in our have world, there’s a great deal an constituent of realness. It was a actually chill chance to conniption it all conjointly. 

We too had Exim Panshard, an antediluvian Sith Master who kind of lives on and controls Kiza through his dissemble. The flashback to his predominate is highly metallic element and Gothic.Christopher: It was an chance to dig into an expanse we haven’t seen or heard around. World Health Organization knows what ERA he’s from? The flashback is all but knightly. And we knew Sith relics, and presumably Jedi artifacts, stool maintain power. And gooselike mass conceive that they behind check that power, which is evidently a adult error.

In the [by author Chuck Wendig], it’s established that the mask echoes with the scream of all the souls of those he’s killed. What did he have to do to generate that kind of power? He thought he could live forever, and in order to do that, he needed the power created by the deaths of as many people as he could kill. It’s destruction on an industrial scale. In the flashback, he has machines built to kill the population of the planet he rules. It’s villainy on a scale you don’t often see.

Kiza first appeared in the Aftermath books, where we got a bit of her background and she was given the mask by one of the Emperor’s advisors because he wanted to use her as a puppet. He knew he couldn’t wear it himself, so he gave it to one of the foolish Acolytes of the Beyond that he could control and gain power from.

It seemed like the threat of Panshard escalated to a level we’ve seldom seen since the novels of the Legends era (stories prior to The Force Awakens’ release) — he became this very heightened villain. Was that something that was in your mind as you wrote?Christopher: It was just kind of how it came out. And as a fan, my bookshelf is full of Star Wars books, which I love and have read for years and years. So I really was just focused on telling the best story that I could.

Panshard is a different kind of Star Wars villain. It’s scary because the readers don’t really know what he can do. And it gets worse for Kiza leading into the finale, which sees Luke and his allies facing off against this monster from another age.

I found it fascinating that Kiza wasn’t redeemed in the end, despite getting every opportunity.Christopher: Redemption is a major theme of Star Wars, but she was lost to the mask. She knew it was going to destroy her, but she couldn’t do anything about it, no matter how much she might have wanted it. It was too strong.

Ochi of Bestoon's face in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.Ochi of Bestoon's face in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Ochi of Bestoon, seen in flashback in The Rise of Skywalker, becomes increasingly unhinged in Shadow of the Sith.


Between Kiza with the mask and Ochi with the dagger, I felt like there was a strong theme of addiction with those Sith artifacts. Was that intentional on your part?Christopher: Yeah, because that’s the temptation of the Dark Side and the allure of it. Ochi developed an obsession with Exegol. He went there with Vader in and it was a bad time [Ochi was disfigured]. He wants to get to Exegol again because he thinks it’s a place of rebirth and regeneration. 

Addiction was definitely a deliberate theme of the book, since Kiza and Ochi have these obsessions. Kaiser hates the mask, but she can’t not put it on. Ochi is so obsessed with getting to Exegol that he’ll do anything, so the blade is feeding off his emotions — hatred and obsession — creating a feedback loop. It pumps them back into him.

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Do you think Exegol would have offered Ochi the answers? Because I reckon that place sucks.Christopher: Yeah, Exegol was not the answer.

So, do you have a favorite Easter egg that you’d love for people to notice or appreciate in Shadow of the Sith?Christopher: When Lando orders drinks at the bar [when we first meet him in the novel], the bartender says, «Sip ’em. You’ll live longer.» That’s straight from the . 

Once people have read Shadow of the Sith, are there any Legends novels you’d recommend they jump into? Christopher: The  by Matthew Stober, which is the greatest Star Wars book ever written. And one of my favorite Star Wars authors is Michael A. Stackpole, who wrote ,  and quite a number of other books. There’s an Easter egg about him in Shadow of the Sith, but I’ll leave that as a surprise for people who can spot it.

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