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To ease the problems with computer clocks that don’t like 61-second minutes, Google pioneered the idea of the «leap smear» that makes the leap second’s changes in many tiny steps over the course of a day.

‘Travel time for customers has increased in large part due to the additional border controls for UK citizens who now have to have passports stamped and answer questions from French border officials before being allowed to cross. 

Experts predict some of the worst jams will be on the M25, M3, M23 and M40, and say drivers should try and travel before 10am and after 7pm on Friday, which is set to be the worst day of jams and queues. 

The leap second change triggered a massive Reddit outage in 2012, as well as related problems at Mozilla, LinkedIn, Yelp and airline booking service Amadeus. In 2017, a leap second glitch at Cloudflare knocked a fraction of the network infrastructure company’s customers’ servers offline. Cloudflare’s software, comparing two clocks, calculated that time had gone backward but couldn’t properly handle that result.

WELLINGTON, July 25 (Reuters) — New Zealand on Monday urged travellers returning from Indonesia to take extra precautions and in some cases to stay away from farms for at least a week to prevent a local foot and mouth outbreak that could devastate the crucial livestock industry.

«A ‘scarcity trap’ occurs when supply is reduced to rebalance falling demand such that a pricing floor is established. It is reasonable to think of such actions as a market failure under standard economic assumptions.»

Ardern said Biosecurity New Zealand, the country’s agency to keep pests and diseases out of the country, is stopping any traveller from bringing personal consignments of meat products from Indonesia and quotes requiring them to use footmats to wash their shoes at airports when they return.

The temporal tweak causes more problems — like internet outages — than benefits, they say. And dealing with leap seconds ultimately is futile, the group argues, since the Earth’s rotational speed hasn’t actually changed much historically.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said he expects private developers to release lots to buyers as soon as possible, and flagged his government was open to legislative reforms to crack down on land banking.

Passengers queue for ferries at the Port of Dover in Kent, as families embarking on summer getaways at the start of school holidays have been warned by ferry operators to expect delays of several hours at the border

‘These measures include the installation of 50% more booths for use by French border control, improvements to internal traffic routes, provision of welfare facilities for passengers and the training of a team of Passenger Champions to provide help and information on-site.

A spokesperson for the Port of Dover said: ‘Ahead of the summer getaway and the expected return of pre-pandemic tourist volumes, the Port of Dover enacted several interim measures to ensure passengers have a smooth start to their holidays. 

The tech giants and two key agencies agree that it’s time to ditch the leap second. Those are the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and its French equivalent, the Bureau International de Poids et Mesures (BIPM).

Since 1972, the world’s timekeeping authorities have added a leap second 27 times to the global clock known as the International Atomic Time (TAI). Instead of 23:59:59 changing to 0:0:0 at midnight, an extra 23:59:60 is tucked in. That causes a lot of indigestion for computers, which rely on a network of precise timekeeping servers to schedule events and to record the exact sequence of activities like adding data to a database.

Google, Microsoft, Meta and Amazon launched a public effort Monday to scrap the leap second, an occasional extra tick that keeps clocks in sync with the Earth’s actual rotation. US and French timekeeping authorities concur.

Minneapolis police saw a large cop exodus in the last two years due to retirements, resignations and disability leaves following Floyd’s death. The black man was killed on May 25 when then-cop Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck. 

The community requested additional police presence after Minneapolis saw increased violence and criminal activity after outcry over George Floyd’s murder prompted the woke city council to cut $1 million from the police department. Rioters are pictured in May 2020

The release delays helped push up the cost of an average lot by $194,010 across the estates in Aura, Springfield and Yarrabilba in Queensland; Willowdale, Jordan Springs and Googong in NSW; and Atherstone, Woodlea and Manor Lakes in Victoria.

The Minneapolis Safety Initiative, a resident-created nonprofit crowdfunding for additional police patrols, calls the program a ‘temporary measure to address the current crime wave while MPD continues to rebuild to full staffing levels.’

‘I remember I was at the announcement and I couldn’t believe it,’ recalls Fraser, who was born with six fingers on each hand and had to have an operation when he was three months old to remove the extra digits.

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