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Boy Scout motto, and is crucial when you go on a camping trip whether in the wild or at a family camping site. Try this quiz to find out how prepared you are for the outdoor adventure! What is key gear to take on a camping trip? It’s a must to have a first aid kit. You must be prepared to treat any cuts or bruises. But a folding saw is great for cutting rope and firewood or clearing the path. It is recommended to use it in national parks and campgrounds. Everyone must be given the whistle. Whistles can be an effective method to keep people in touch. You don’t have to worry about cell phone reception. They can transmit more information than the human voice and are more convenient to use. You don’t want your kids to go missing but you can show your children the universal aid signalthree whistles — to be prepared. You should ensure that every child is using a mobile phone. Do not let them go out of your view. Be sure to assume that the water sources of nature are contaminated, simply because wild and domestic animals have access to these sources. The possibility of contracting disease and parasites is always the possibility, so be sure to bring your own water. The body’s temperature can be reduced by convection (or loss of heat caused by wind blowing on exposed parts). If you’re camping in winter be sure to cover yourself as well as you can, minimizing exposure, especially in a hot, humid climate. Both are equally bad. You can follow a creek or a river. Avoid following a river and you’ll more likely to be found by staying where you are. Keep hydrated and make noise to draw interest. Shout or yell. Blower them for an aid to flotation. Make them a signaling device. Camping trips are made much easier thanks to plastic bags. Apart from keeping things dry (even individuals if you cut holes in the bag) and keeping wildlife away from scenty objects bags with bright colors can be used as signaling devices. You can wail them to scare or distract from a bear. Take your backpack along as protection. If you are in the midst of a bear-related attack, collapse on the ground in the fetal position, protecting your chest and abdomen. Because of the risk of fire and the risk of fire, you shouldn’t allow your tent to be too close to the campfire. Also, make sure that you have an outdoor tent that is not flammable. You’ll be safe from fire hazards , and animals cannot come within 100 feet of the sleeping area. Bears and other wildlife can sniff out the food, so you don’t want to have it near your tent. The long, light clothing such as pants and shirts are best to protect you from insects (ticks and mosquitoes) poison ivy, the branches and thorns, as well as sunburn. Although it sounds like sewing machine, needle and tweezers can be used to remove ticks and splinters. Scissors are essential for cutting bandages, tapes or gauze. For a quick supply of bark and firewood, you can make a fire close to an oak tree. Use a metal ring to protect the fire, or circles of rocks. Make campfires in a safe distance from trees as branches that hang over can catch the fire. While fire safety experts might recommend sand, you should always keep water and a shovel on hand. Metal circles and rocks can help to keep the fire under control and prevent forest fires. Sand buckets is useful for lighting the fire. When hiking with kids take regular breaks for water and then add some extras. Children are less hydrated than adults during exercise but they’re not as aware of dehydration signs. It is not recommended to go on a camping trip during periods of fire danger. Use a portable stove. Campers who are smart can still enjoy having a great time with hot meals. To prevent the possibility of a fire spreading or starting an explosion, make use of a portable stove. Only use foods that have been dehydrated and can be rehydrated with water. Assume a non-threatening position. Never attempt to outrun the bear. You won’t be able to outrun it. Be calm when you need to talk. Bending your knees can help you look smaller. The bear will hopefully see you’re not threatening and then walk away. Keep your conversation calm. It’s a parasite you may inhale when drinking contaminated water. Because any natural-looking lake, streams or rivers can be polluted by wild or domestic animals, you should always carry an adequate supply of drinking water. Conduction is the process by which your body absorbs the cold, which comes from the ground or anything you are touching. Sit on a stool, not directly on the ground, wear gloves whenever you touch items that are cold (like canteens or cookware) and always put an additional sleeping pad between the mattress and the floor. Three blows is the signal for help. Two blows mean that you’ve heard the aid call. NEVER place food items in tents because animals, such as bears, will easily look it up, regardless of whether you’re in the tent or not. Plastic bags, «bear bags» or animal proof containers that are kept in the tent are the best. You can also lock food items inside your vehicle. Your boss will be concerned when you return to work. Hopefully, your doctor won’t be needed. However, a friend or a neighbor should know your schedule so that if you’re late, they are able to inform authorities.

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