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‘Cocaine Cassie’ timeline of events

April 2017 — Sainsbury, then 22, is arrested at El Dorado airport in Bogotá, Fishscale Cocain Columbia. 

Cocaine was found packaged in 18 headphone boxes in her suitcase. 

November 2017 — she is sentenced to six years in prison and fined A$117,000.

Sainsbury faced up to 30 years behind bars, but a plea deal was struck that reduced her sentence.

April 2020 — Sainsbury is released from El Buen Pastor women’s prison after three years.

As part of her parole conditions, the 22-year-old remained in Colombia for 27 months.

2021 — Sainsbury meets partner Tatiana at a nightclub in Columbia.

March 2022 — Sainsbury and Tatiana get married.

August 2022 — She returns to Australia for the first time in five years.





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