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There are several factors that affect the harmony of the household, one of which is sexual life.

Regular sexual activity and quality will make the home a relaxed and harmonious. Vice versa, if sexual activity is not normal either in quality or quantity would cause the relationship of husband and wife become strained, often quarreled, not harmonious and the edges are not happy.

Therefore, the sex life should really be considered by each partner.

Sexual problems or sexual dysfunction is not a system malfunction in the body that causes dissatisfaction during sexual activity. Sexual problems continue without treatment has the potential to cause disharmony in the household.

Sexual problems are generally caused by two factors: physical factors such as the presence of heart disease or diabetes that causes impaired blood flow to the penis, and other causes are psychological factors that mental problems that arise when going to connect, such as shame, fear, lack confidence, stress, and others.

Sexual problems in men consist of three namely erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorders and low sex drive.Indeed all three of these disorders can be treated with rapid medical treatment, only treatment is often delayed because he was embarrassed to open the patient. As with other medical illnesses, the longer the handle the sexual problems suffered by becoming more severe and certainly will be more difficult to cure.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or usually called impotence is the inability to initiate penis erection or to maintain an erection within a reasonable time to have sex.The cause may be physical or psychological factors.

Diseases such as Atherosclerosis which blocks normal blood flow, chronic disease, certain drugs, neurological disorders and a condition called disease that left scar tissue in the penis is a physical cause of erectile dysfunction.

While the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include anxiety, stress, depression, and feelings of inferiority when sex.

Ejaculation disorders

Is the discharge of sperm ejaculated during orgasm which is usually the last part of sex.Generally, ejaculation disorders in men, among others premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, And turned ejaculation.

1. Premature ejaculation is a condition when ejaculation occurs too quickly. The worst is the ejaculation occurs before penetration or shortly after penetration. Premature ejaculation is a disorder experienced by most men. The causes vary.Could be due to stress, health problems, or because the penis is too sensitive.

2. Delayed ejaculation is the opposite of premature ejaculation. Ejaculation occurs very slowly. The most severe is unable to ejaculate. The reason could be because of illness or stress, or other things such as emotions or feelings of taboo.

3.Turned ejaculation is a reversal of the impairment of semen into the bladder, which should come out through the urethra during ejaculation. The causes of lain the influence of diabetes, prostate disorders, as well as operations in the area of male sexual organ.

Decreased Sexual Arousal

One of types of male sexual disorders the other is to lose the desire to have sex.This is of course if left unchecked could disrupt the harmony with your partner. Of all male sexual problems, problems of low arousal is the most difficult to cure because patients usually do not have the motivation to heal itself.

Decreased arousal that usually occurs due to psychological factors like depression, rift, and others.Also due to physical problems such as fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health problems.


Treatment for men's health issues depends on the type of disorder and its causes. A common treatment is to:

1.Special medical treatment, texas holdem poker health issues become a source of sexual harassment,

2. The addition of hormone, to men who lack testosterone, sexual problems can be overcome by the addition of hormone replacement,

3. Psychological therapy, a counselor can help to overcome feelings of fear, anxiety or guilt which is the bottleneck in sex,

4.Understanding and communication, provide an understanding of sex and sexual behavior can help men overcome the fear and insecurity,

5. Mechanical assistance, such as penile implants and vacuum to help men with erection problems.

Several previous studies say that most marital problems at the start of the problem in the bed that is not resolved or unresolved.Not established a good communication is sometimes a major obstacle to a really small problem can be solved even bigger and makes the relationship so tenuous.

Do not look down upon if you feel any sexual problems that appear repeatedly. A sexual problem is a sign that something is going on inside of you.Communicate with your partner or do therapy to the doctor or sexologist to know the sexual problems you're facing. The sooner you seek treatment, the faster you recover.

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