Symptoms of «diabetic eye» that may increase the risk of childhood and working age

starchy food including sugar more than necessary and lack of physical exercise Perhaps it’s another that poses a risk of unconsciously developing diabetes and potentially dangerous underlying disease in all parts of the body, including the eyes, for which people with diabetes are at a higher risk of blindness. 25 times more than ordinary people…

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Symptoms of «diabetic eye» that may increase the risk of childhood and working age

starchy food including sugar more than necessary and lack of physical exercise Perhaps it’s another that poses a risk of unconsciously developing diabetes and potentially dangerous underlying disease in all parts of the body, including the eyes, for which people with diabetes are at a higher risk of blindness. 25 times more than ordinary people…

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Basics of physical examination of a health check-up program

Basics of physical examination of a health check-up program Many times to go to the health check We often encounter words that are difficult to understand. Abbreviations for body measurements include numbers that seem like only your doctor knows what they mean. After being explained by the doctor, it was understood. When I got home,…

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Basics of physical examination of a health check-up program

Basics of physical examination of a health check-up program Many times to go to the health check We often encounter words that are difficult to understand. Abbreviations for body measurements include numbers that seem like only your doctor knows what they mean. After being explained by the doctor, it was understood. When I got home,…

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Basics of physical examination of a health check-up program

Basics of physical examination of a health check-up program Many times to go to the health check We often encounter words that are difficult to understand. Abbreviations for body measurements include numbers that seem like only your doctor knows what they mean. After being explained by the doctor, it was understood. When I got home,…

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