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Lactoferrin-containing immunocomplexes drive the conversion of human macrophages from M2- into M1-like phenotype. Endothelial TLR4 and the microbiome drive cerebral cavernous malformations. 60. Jiang R, Lopez V, Kelleher SL, Lönnerdal B. Apo- and holo-lactoferrin are equally internalized by lactoferrin receptor through clathrin-mediated endocytosis but differentially affect ERK-signaling and mobile proliferation in Caco-2 cells. The small-density…

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Groat WC, Ryall RW (January 1969). «Reflexes to sacral parasympathetic neurones concerned with micturition in the cat». Blok BF, Holstege G (January 1994). «Direct projections from the periaqueductal gray to the pontine micturition heart (M-region). An anterograde and retrograde tracing analyze in the cat». Sie JA, Blok BF, de Weerd H, Live-Sex-Xxx Holstege G (2001).…

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