Using Acupressure to Ease Chronic Headache Pain

Acupressure has existed for centuries. Many people these days still use acupressure methods to alleviate pain and to enhance health and wellbeing. Acupressure can be traced back to the Chinese medical practitioner Qigong along with his teachings traditional Chinese medication. The simple notion of acupressure is to locate where stress is put on pressure points…

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Trigger point therapy for the treatment of body pain and aches

Trigger point therapy is a method of smooth, pore-penetrating strokes that relieve sore muscles and tension. Trigger points, also known as sensitive, painful zones, are distinguished by knots or raised areas in the muscles of the body. When the pressure is applied to these knots, it triggers intense discomfort in another region of the body,…

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Thai Massage and Its Beneficial Healing Benefits

Thai massage is an ancient therapy combining Indian Ayurvedic techniques, acupressure, and Thai massage postures. The principal idea of Shen traces (aliases according to the original philosophy of yang-shan) was utilized as’Thai massage’. These are similar to nadis in accordance with the original philosophy of yin-yang. The distinction between the two is that yin is…

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What’s Shiatsu Massage Treatment?

Shiatsu originates from a Japanese massage technique known as name. This is the technique used by traditional Chinese professionals to alleviate pain, cure chronic conditions and stimulate the body. Today, many modern doctors and therapists clinic and treatment minus the oriental signature of Shiatsu. In Japan, however, the area continues to be highly regarded as…

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